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Long Term Parking Problems and Their Solutions

If you have planned for a long trip to any country or to your parent’s home and you are using your own car to reach the airport, then you must have booked long term car parking service. But do you think you will see a clean and shiny car upon your arrival? Probably not! There are chances that you will face various problems on your arrival.

Long term parking can be really a hectic experience, especially in winters, because the passengers usually see their vehicles full of snow or dirt after they have returned from a long trip. You should compare airport parking Stansted prices and then choose the right deal for your vehicle.

Meet and Greet Parking

Some of the issues that your vehicle can face during long term parking at on-site lots are as follows:

  • Battery issue
  • Rust on the vehicle
  • Bad smell out of seats
  • Poor condition of tires

Alt Tag: Meet and Greet Parking

To avoid such problems, you need to do the following tasks:

  • If you are planning a trip of more than a month or two, change the engine oil.
  • Purchase a fuel stabilizer or fill the tank with gas, in order to keep it clean from moisture.
  • Charge the battery before going on the trip. If the battery is old, you should buy a new one.
  • If you are storing your car in a personal garage, then don’t use the parking brake. Instead, buy tire stopper and use it.
  • Ask an expert about the tire pressure for long term parking.

If you are booking a private company for long term parking, make sure that their services are according to your standard. Meet and greet Stansted is one of the most preferable choices of the customer. But if you don’t plan your trip in advance, then you will have to say Hi to a rusty vehicle upon your arrival. Follow the tips and have a safe journey.

  Posted by Hannah Reed on Wed, Sep 13, 2017

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